Saturday, December 23, 2006

Conscription anyone?

There’s a great discussion going on over at Neptunus Lex about compulsory service.
“Rangel also has a persistent - even if persistently incorrect - belief that the burdens of military service fall disproportionately upon the underprivileged and those of color, so his advocacy of a draft isn’t entirely political. It also has roots in the daddy-knows-best brand of paternalism that so many of today’s volunteers find so comprehensively offensive - witness his burbling about the lack of “career choices” driving people towards a volunteer service.”

“Five years after 9/11, virtually every man or woman now serving in the US military has enlisted, re-enlisted or voluntarily continued to serve knowing that there was a high likelihood of serving in combat.”

Personally, I have mixed feelings about it. However, I do believe young people should serve in some type of federal or state capacity for many reasons. But I truly do not want somebody on my gun that feels forced to be there.

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